(WORLD NO TOBACCO DAY(WNTD) 2020)( ( 31 may 2020 )
world no tobacco day 2020 |
why we celebreting world no tobacco day ?
- In Every year of 31 may we celebrated World No Tobacco Day(WNTD). It is organized by World Health Organization(WHO). The main focous of this event to save the people & world from haramfull tobacco & nickotine.
- It doesn't mean we celebrate this event for a day each year,But to save your family & to save the world we need to take a step that is Make EveryDay World No Tobacco Day.
How is Tobacco Ruined our life & Its Effect:-
The focous of World No Tobacco Day 2020 is on "Tobacco & Lung Health" & It is affects very badly.
smoking one cigarette in your life hurt you |
- Tobacco smoke is a very dangerous form of indoor air polutioin . It contains over 7000 chemicals & 69 of which are known to cause cancer.
- Tobacco contain nickotine so you are going to addition.
- According to survey , longer smoker will loss brain volume age-related.
smoker vs non smoker difference |
- Pregnet woman, Who smoke cigarattes this is increase very risk of miscarriage, stillborn,permature infants or infants with low birth weight.
- People Who stand or sit near other who smoker ,it will affect you also ,That is called secondhand smoke.This is also very Hramfull.
- secondhand smoke exposure can also lead to cancer & Heart desease. It also affect & very harm for both adults & children.Such as cauging,Phelgm,Reduce also Lung function.
These include :-
Lung Cancer, Chronic Respiratory Disease,Across The life coarse, Tuberculious& Air polution.
To Save the youth & next Generation WHO is organized this to beware from Tobacco & Nickotine & other Harmfull product.
World No Tobacco Day |
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